Hunting Snake Poem Questions and Answers /Hunting Snake poem by Judith Wright / Hunting Snake Poem বঙ্গানুবাদ সহ প্রশ্নোত্তর

Rathin Biswas
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Class Nine । Hunting Snake বঙ্গানুবাদ সহ সকল প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর। Questions and Answer। Model Questions । WBBSE CLASS 9 Lesson 12


Hunting Snake  [ শিকারি সাপ  কবিতা ]  

সূর্য-উষ্ণ এই শেষ ঋতুর অনুগ্রহে 

শরতের মৃদুতম আকাশের নীচে 

আমরা হেঁটেছিলামএবং অর্ধেক গতিতে হিমায়িত হয়েছিলাম। 

বিশাল কালো সাপটা পাশ কাটিয়ে চলে গেল।


মাথা নিচু করেবিভাজন ঘাসের মধ্য দিয়ে সে যে

পথের সন্ধান করেছিল তার জিহ্বা ঝিকিমিকি করে ,  

সূর্য তার ডায়মন্ড স্কেলের বক্ররেখায় চকচক করে এবং 

তাকে যেতে দেখতে আমরা নিঃশ্বাস হারিয়ে ফেলেছিলাম। 

কোন পথে সে গেল, কোন ছোট্ট প্রাণী

তার উগ্র অভিপ্রায় থেকে জীবন্ত পালিয়ে গেছে

আমরা খুব কমই ভেবেছিলামতখনও যখন আমরা দাঁড়ালাম 

তখনও আমাদের চোখ তার সাথে গেল।


ঠান্ডা, কালো এবং চমত্কার সে ঘাসের মধ্যে চলে গিয়েছিল

 যা তার শিকারকে লুকিয়ে রেখেছিল।

 আমরা দিনের একটি গভীর শ্বাস নিলাম

একে অপরের দিকে তাকালাম এবং এগিয়ে গেলাম।

    • Word Nest: 

reeling [ রিলিং] - moving in curves [ এঁকে বেঁকে চলা ]

flickering [ফ্লিকারিং ] -  sudden forward and backward movement [

trail [ ট্রেইল ] - path - [ পথ]

quested [ কুয়েস্টেড ] - searched [ খুঁজছিল ]

intent [ ইনটেন্ট ] - aim [ উদ্দেশ্য ]

glazed [ গ্লেজড ] - [চক চক করছিল ]

Scale [ স্কেল ] - [ আঁশ ]

Track [ ট্রাক ] - path [ পথ ]

fierce [ ফিয়ার্স ] - ferocious [ভয়ংকর ] 

scarcely thought [ স্কার্সেলি থট ] - not at all [ মোটেও না ভাবা ]

splendid  [ স্প্লেন্ডিড ] - magnificent [ চমৎকার ]

hid [ হিড ] - cover [ লুকিয়ে রেখেছিল ]

prey [ প্রেই ] - hunt [ শিকার ]

Textual question : Exercise 1 

  • Tick  the correct answer from the given alternatives

1.      The poet of sun-warmed under the gentlest sky of-

a)    summer

b)   winter

c)    autumn ✔

d)   spring

2.      The colour of the snake was- 

a)       black 

b)      grey

c)      green

d)     yellow

3.      The tongue of the snake was-

a)    still

b)   flickering 

c)    dangling

d)   hanging 

4.      The shape of the snake scale was like - 

a)    star

b)   kite

c)    diamond 

d)   pyramid

5.      According to the poet-- the intent of the snake was- 

a)    malicious

b)   greedy

c)    timid

d)   fierce 

6.      The snake finally disappeared into the- 

a)    sand

b)   grass 

c)    rock

d)   stream 


Textual question : Exercise 2


  • Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:


     I.          Q:-How did the snake appear as it was moving through the grass?

  F  Ans:-The snake appeared poised and deliberate, its head low, tongue flicking, and its body weaving smoothly through the parted grass in a fluid, searching motion.


  II.          Q:-What did the poet and her companions do when the snake was gone ?

  F  A    FAns:-After the snake disappeared, the poet and her companions exhaled deeply,       exchanged glances, and continued on their way.

Grammar in use: Exercise No 3 

o   Rewrite the following sentences as directed:

a)   Q:-How happy we are here! (Change into an assertive sentence.) 

 F  Ans:-We are very happy here.

b)   Everybody knows the name of Tagore, (Change into an interrogative sentence.) 

 F  Ans:-Who does not know the name of Tagore?


c)   The painting is very beautiful. (Change into an exclamatory sentence.) 

 F  Ans:-How beautiful the painting is !


d)   Can we ever forget childhood days? (Changes into an assertive sentence) 

 F  Ans:-We can never forget our childhood days.

Grammar in use: Exercise No 4

  • Rewrite the following sentences as directed:

A.    Q:-We are proud of our heritage. (Use the noun form of ‘ proud’) 

Ans:-We take pride in our heritage.

B.    Q:-We should have sympathy for the poor. (Use the adjective form of ‘sympathy’) 

Ans:-We should be sympathetic towards the poor.

C.    Q:-His success was due to his labour.( Use the verb form of ‘labour’) 

Ans:-As he labour hard he became successful.


D.   Q:-The song of the nightingale is very sweet. (Use the adverb form of ‘sweet’) 

                             Ans:-The nightingale sings very sweetly.

Composition: Exercise No 5

Q:-Write a newspaper report within 100 [hundred] words on a boat capsize.Use the following hints:

Place.. /date.. / number of people in the boat.. / cause.. /casualties.. /rescue operations.. /steps taken by the Government..


By staff reporter: Mursidabad, 29th April 2024 – A tragic boat capsize near Jalangi, Mursidabad, claimed the lives of at least 18 people on the evening of April 28. The accident occurred when the boat, reportedly overloaded, capsized unexpectedly. The vessel was carrying around 33 passengers, and while 18 people were rescued, the remaining passengers tragically lost their lives. A rescue team quickly reached the scene and managed to save 20 survivors. Authorities have promised support to the families of the deceased and assistance to the injured victims in the wake of the disaster.

Composition: Exercise No 6

Q:-Write  a summary of the following passage within 💯 words:

“Where and how should children learn values? We know that they must learn them because values ​​shape the beliefs and attitudes that determine how they live and function in society. To function effectively in society, children must be taught to be honest, kind, polite and considerate.Any society that does not teach children these values ​​will soon fall apart. Similarly, one could assume that a nation consists of citizens who know how to respect other people and their property. These citizens should also understand the value of humility & self-control. They should value courage & be willing to care for those weaker than themselves. Any nation whose citizens do not follow these values ​​will soon become a nation not worth living in. Teaching these values ​​to- the children cannot be delayed. This is because, unlike young animals, whose instincts are often highly developed at birth, human children are completely dependent. People have emotional needs, desires, thoughts and feelings that determine their actions 🎬. Therefore they must learn values ​​and not just survival skills like animals. These values ​​help control the natural reactions that result from satisfying purely selfish needs and desires.”


Ans:-Children must learn values early on to shape their beliefs and behaviors for societal functioning. Key values include honesty, kindness, courtesy, and consideration. Without these, society would destabilize. A nation relies on citizens who respect others and property, embrace humility, self-control, courage, and caring for the vulnerable. Human babies lack instinctual survival skills, thus emphasizing the importance of instilling values to guide actions beyond mere self-interest. Teaching values early is crucial in tempering selfish impulses and fostering societal cohesion and individual growth.

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